User Roles

User Roles are a way to manage and control permission for any KORONA Studio user. Here, you can block certain users from viewing and editing sensitive functions and reports. This page will list all known available user roles.

To manage your user roles, navigate to Employees > User Roles.

You may create a new user role by selecting +New, or you may Edit an already existing one.

Once you are on the Edit User Role page, locate the Permissions box. Here, you can find all available permissions. To allow permission, click the corresponding checkbox. All known permissions are listed below.




  • Exports: Allows permission to export any of the selected evaluations





  • Entry Gates: Create, Delete, Edit, and List entry gates (you may also give permission for Entry Report)
  • Events: Edit events and List events
  • Ticket Category: Create, Delete, Edit, and List ticket categories
  • External Ticket Configurations: Create, Delete, Edit, and List external ticket configurations
  • Ticket Definitions: Create, Delete, Edit, and List ticket definitions
  • Tickets: Create, Delete, Edit, and List tickets


  • Assortments: Create, Delete, Edit, and List assortments
  • Balance Statements: Edit, and List balance statements
  • Cash Journal: Create, Delete, Edit, and List cash journals
  • Commodity Group: Create, Delete, Edit, and List commodity groups (you may also Correct Purchase Price)
  • Customers: Create, Delete, Edit, and List customers (you may also give or take away permission for End of Day statement)
  • Info Text: Create, Delete, Edit, and List info text
  • Point Of Sale: Create, Delete, Edit, and list points Of sale
  • Prepaid Cards: Create, Delete, Edit, and List prepaid cards
  • Price Groups: Create, Delete, Edit, and List price groups
  • Price Rules: Create, Delete, Edit, and List price rules
  • Product: Create, Delete, Edit, Edit product listing, Edit product number, Edit store price, List product purchase price, List products
  • Promotions: Create, Delete, Edit, and List couponing action (you may also view Receipts)
