POS Functions

POS functions are preset point of sale functions such as product search, change quantity, customer lookup, and more. This guide provides an overview of available POS button functions.

You can configure POS buttons under Settings > Button Configurations.  

Please also review the guide for creating POS buttons: Create POS Buttons / Button Configuration.

Activate Batch Printing: Allows you to print several reports at once when activated.

Activate Denomination Input One time: Allows change for a cash drawer and inputs the cash in its physical format – for example, five ten-dollar bills are represented by 5*10

Activate Deposit Refund Mode: Turns the Bottle Deposit on – to have the ability to turn this feature off, add the button function “deactivate deposit refund mode.”

Activate Barcode Scanner: For usage with Serial Connected Scanners, enables RS-232 communications.

Activate Mandatory Signature on Receipt: Activates a signature on the customer display to be required before processing the transaction. See more →

Add Discount: Applies a % discount to the highlighted product on the receipt. See more →

Add Free Info Text: Add special instructions or any kind of text on a specific item to appear under the product name. See more →

Adjust Payment: Allows you to adjust the payment on the receipt.

Apply Payment Tip: Apply tips to a receipt that has been closed or run with preauthorized credit. See more →

Apply Special Offer: Apply Special Offers immediately instead of when entering Total mode.

Assign Salesperson:  Assigns a specific person to a single item on a ticket. See more →

Background Image: Key in a number between 1 – 10 and press this button to change the image to the currently selected number.

Backspace: Removes last entry input.

Balance Cashier: Allows the cashier to enter the amount of cash at the end of the shift and prints an end-of-day cashier report. See more →

Balance POS: Helps the cashier match the totals between what is in the cash drawer and the expected cash. See more →

Bind Items: This function helps combine all similar items on the receipts and give a total quantity – at the POS, the cashier would simply click the button after all item selections have been made.

Bind Payments: In the event you receive multiple forms of payments, this helps combine like payment methods together and gives a total. 

Button Status: When adding this function, you must also add a tag to the function button. This function Shows known tags and allows for the selection of that tag to list all associated products. See more →

Cancel: Removes last entry input.

Cancel Receipt: A receipt cancellation is only used for an open receipt that has not yet been finalized. See more →

Carry Over Previous Drawer Balance Difference: Carries over the actual entered balance from the prior cashier balance. (there is also an automatic version of this)

Carry Over Expected Drawer Balance: Carries over what KORONA POS expected for balance from the prior cashier balance. (there is also an automatic version of this)

Cash Check: Is used as a way to check if the amount of money that’s inside the cash drawer is the expected amount according to the POS. It also serves as the underlying function of applying on the balance screen and, as such, is only functional on that screen.

Cash Void: Cancels any cash payment taken at the POS before the finalization of the receipt. This function only works from the payment layout.

Cashier Pause: Allows for a quick log out of the screen without deleting the active receipt. See more →

Cashier Quick Change: This helps two or more cashiers work at the same POS with different login numbers. Once the cashier is done with the transaction, they can select the button to be logged out.  See more →

Central Balance: Allows for a POS Balance from the back office and is typically used when running a 24-hour business with no allowed time for the POS to be turned off or in the event you want the cash counting to be done in a secure area. These statements may be found under Sales >Balance Statements. See more →

Central Balance POS: Performs the same action as central balance. However, it performs it for the POS rather than an individual cashier. See more →

Change Cashier: Allows for a quick log out of the current cashier and allows other cashiers to log in and finalize the open receipt. See more →

Change Economic Zone: This function aids in carrying out a different tax rate based on a customer’s economic zone. See more →

Change Item Price: Allows for the $ amount on a product to be adjusted. See more →

Change Quantity: Enter a number and using this function will change the selected product quantity.

Check Prepaid Card: Checks the amount of the KORONA gift cards. See more →

Clear Input Line: Helps clear any data from buttons pressed by mistake before selecting the intended function.

Command Sequence Begins/Ends: “Begin” takes the numbers from the input line and saves them away. “Ends” pastes it again in the input line. Thus, if you run a bunch of functions in a macro, it doesn’t break if someone types a random number before the button is pressed.

Convert Single Item to Container by Capacity: Entering a number and using this function will change the product to its container by the capacity amount.

Convert Single Item to Container by Product Number: Entering a number and using this function will change the product to its container by its product number entered.

Copy Receipt: Works from within the receipt archive, copies the current receipt, and prompts it on the screen.

Copy Total to Input: Copies the current total amount from the current receipt and inputs it into the number line.

Cost Account: Allows you to directly access any withdrawal or deposit account and apply money directly to that account. See more →

Create Customer Order: Initiates a new customer order at the POS. See more →

Create Delivery Note: Enables you to add a specific delivery note at the point of sale to confirm delivery without payment of a specific order. See more →

Create Event: Starts a new event from the POS. See more →

Create Quote: Allows you to create a Quote directly from the Point of sale

Create Rental: Allows you to create a Rental directly from the Point of sale

Create Store Order: Creates a new Store Order from POS. See more →

Credit Card Terminal Configuration, Diagnosis, Initializing: Only applies to ZVT  credit card terminals.

Cross-Selling: You can assign a tag for related products to a master product. The cross-selling function should then list those items.

Customer Group: Groups that can be linked to Promotions and Price Rules, allowing you to set up discounts and more. See more →

Customer Lookup: Searches for Customers by name, number or address. See more →

Deactivate Batch Printing: Allows you to stop the ability to print several reports at once when activated.

Deactivate Deposit Refund Mode: Turns off the bottle deposit with no reversal. To toggle the deposit refund mode on/off, please add the Activate Deposit Mode function. See more →

Deactivate Print by Production Type: Turns off any preset printing settings for a certain production type. See more →

Deactivate Mandatory Signature on Receipt: Deactivates a signature on the customer display to be required before processing the transaction. See more →

Deselect: Removes your current selection on receipt.

Disable Print Preview: Disables the preview pop-up that shows how the select report will print.

Edit Customer Order: Can edit an order directly without going through the search process. See more →

Edit Delivery Note: Allows you to edit a Delivery Note that has already been created.

Edit Quote: Allows you to edit a Quote that has already been created.

Edit Rental: Allows you to edit a Rental that has already been created.

Enable Print Preview: Enables a preview pop-up of how your report will print before printing the report.

Enter: Has the same functionality as the already built-in Return button on the POS keypad.

Events: Lists all events for the current day and also allows the selling of tickets. See more →

Event Sale: Lists events for that current day and can search for events on other days. This helps sell tickets for an event on the event day. See more →

Event Presale: Allows for selling of tickets for an event in advance. See more →

Exit Application: Exits out of the KORONA client application immediately.

Extract Deposit Items: Adds a negative of that subproduct deposit item so that the charge will only be for the main product.

Finish Day: The end-of-day statement is a summary of all activity for one register for a z-count period/Business day. See more →

Get Data from Barcode Scanner: Receives barcode scanner data and inputs into the keypad.

Handheld Manager: Lists all devices connected to KORONA and allows the acceptance or removal of that device. You also have the option to release receipts from any one of the devices.

Immediate Cancellation: Works like a Cancel Last Item on receipt permission, will allow the removal of the most recent item added to the receipt, but nothing prior to that.

Inventory Receipt: Can be used to create inventory counts at the point of sale.  See more →

Item Discount: Functions the same as the Add Discount button function. See more →

Item Info Text: Helps associate any type of text to any product for use at the register. Info text is helpful for scenarios such as special warning messages or attaching text to a receipt or an item with no price. See more →

Item Info Selection: Lists all info texts and makes them available for selection. See more →

Item Sequence: Aids in sorting out items based on category. See more →

Item Selection Single: Toggles the active receipt so that if you click a product on the receipt, it is highlighted. If you click a different product, your highlight changes to that product.

Item Selection Multi: Toggles the active receipt so that if you click a product and then another product on the receipt, both are highlighted. You can do this for all items on the receipt or just the ones you click.

Key: Acts as you key in a number and press enter. This function permanently applies that number to a button function, and that number is automatically entered before the function is carried out.

Keyboard: Activates/deactivates the virtual keyboard on the screen.

List Stocks: Lists the stock of a product within multiple warehouses, the number of goods, the number of Ordered Goods, and the last known Stock Order. See more →

Load Receipt: This function works from within the Receipt Archive function to reopen the selected receipt. See more →

Messages: Show messages that are at this Org Unit sent from the cloud.

Open Cash Drawer: Forces the opening of a cash drawer at any time. See more →

Open Receipt via Order Number: Allows the recall of a parked receipt by its order number. See more →

Open Stock Management Receipt: Lists all stock orders, stock receipts, and inventory. You may load existing receipts or create new receipt/inventory. See more →

Park Receipt: Puts a receipt on hold while handling another transaction. See more →

Payment: Allows for usage of the default payment method without going to the total screen. You can enter the amount being paid in the item input field and then press the “payment” button to process that amount in the default method. Change will be displayed as normal afterward.

Personalize Item: Allows you to assign a customer to each individual product and to any subproduct within that main product.

Preparation Receipt: Creates a production/conversion product at the point of sale. See more →

Price Info: Is a price query function that allows you to look up the prices of products by searching for the product number. Also, allows for the selection of that product.

Print: Prints a receipt in its current status. See more →

Print Cashier Report: Prints the sales results of a single cashier during the reporting period. See more →

Print Gift Receipt: Prints a receipt with no prices for gifting purposes. See more →

Print POS Report: Prints the activity of one POS for that day. Also, lists Commodity Group Revenue, Customer Group Revenue, Income, Expenses, Sales Tax, Payment Method Used, and Cashier Actions.

Print POS Week Report: Prints a POS report for the previous week’s period. To print one for the current week, you must enter a negative number to reflect days.

Print POS Month Report: Prints a POS report for the previous month’s period.

Print Treat Receipt: This function prints a receipt that is required for business meetings in some countries. For this function to work, it must be added to your receipt archive layout.

Product Description: Print any information in a specific field for a product (Allergens, Care Instruction, Certificate, Ingredients, Manual, Nutritional Value, Recipe). See more →

Product/Conversion Receipt: Prints a receipt when doing Product/Conversion.

Receipt Discount Absolute: Discounts the entire receipt by a set $ amount.

Receipt Discount Percent: Discounts the entire receipt by a set percentage.

Remove Item Info Text: Removes any additional text added under the product name. See more →

Remove all coupons from Receipt: Will allow you to remove all coupons applied to the current receipt instead of having to cancel the receipt.

Remove Receipt Finalization Lock: If you are using a lock function (receipt lock), it will remove the lock from the current receipt.

Remove Sub-Products From Product Container: Removes any underlying products associated with the container product on the receipt.

Reopen Receipt: Opens an already closed or parked receipt. See more →

Replace item: Adds to the product number with a number entered on the keypad, searches for a new product with that number, and replaces the line item with the product.

Reset Button Status: Negates the Switch Button status function.

Restart POS: This restarts your point of sale terminal

Retrieve Master Data: This allows the terminal to update its existing files with any changes made on the KORONA Cloud Account.

Return: Allows you to process a return on a selected receipt. You must be in the receipt archive to use this function.

Return page: Allows you to search for a receipt number and refund individual items on that receipt without going to the receipt archive. See more →

Return Page Current Receipt: Takes you to the return page function with the currently selected receipt instead of searching for one from that Return Page Menu.

Revision: Allows for a quick change of login at the POS without deleting the current ticket. For example, if management needs to use a function that a cashier does not have permission to do. See more →

Round Receipt Total Down: Rounds the receipt total down by whatever amount you put in. To reverse, simply repeat the process. This function will only work on the payment layout.  Note* The Round Receipt Total Down does not work correctly with net-prices.

Sale Item Discount Absolute: Discounts an entered number of dollars from the selected item on the receipt. 

Scroll Down/Up: Pressing one of these buttons will move the receipt up or down if it has more than a full page present.

Save Stock Management Receipt: Saves receipts when doing inventory at the POS. See more →

Search Customer Order: Searches orders only made for customers. See more →

Search Delivery Note: Redirects to a screen allowing you to search or select a Delivery Note.

Search Quote: Redirects to a screen allowing you to search or select a Quote.

Search Rental: Redirects to a screen allowing you to search or select a Rental.

Search Store Order: Lists any store orders previously created. See more →

Select/Select All: Enables the selection of a single item on the receipt or highlighting all items at once on the receipt. Most commonly used with another function such as “select all” then “toggle sector,” etc.

Send Sales Data: Manually sends any sales data that might not have been uploaded to the server due to an internet connection loss.

Set % of Receipt Total: This function allows you to add a tip based on a percentage of the total receipt. Multiple buttons can be set up with different percentages.

Set Customer Number: Applies a number to the receipt for the customer

Set Customer by Number: Searches and applies a pre-existing customer based on their number in the system.

Set Loyalty Card: Enter the loyalty card number on the keypad and press use this function to set the loyalty card, customer, and assigned customer group to the receipt.

Set Order No: This function is used to assign or remove an order reference number to or from a receipt. See more →

Set Serial Numbers: Applies a serial number to a product from the POS. This can be done manually or by using a scanner. See more →

Set email for digital receipt dispatch: Allows you to assign an email address for this receipt to be sent to when finished. The usage would be entering the email address in the item input line and then pressing this function. You can then finish the receipt as normal.

Set receipt finalization lock: Locks the receipt, preventing it from being finalized. May be used in situations where someone with higher authority needs to review the transaction before finalizing it or in conjunction with external programs enforcing limits on transactions.

Show Button Layout: This function launches any button layout already programmed; simply select the number of that layout and click on the button. You may select any button from the layout that appears. See more →

Show KORONA POS Info: This page can be used to get specifics about the point of sale, including the POS identity and configuration. See more →

Show Open Pre-Authorization: Lists any receipt with a credit card Pre-authorization payment form. See more →

Show Payment Page: Launches the Payment Layout Immediately.

Show Product Search:  Allows you to search for any product in the system and add it to the current ticket.

Show Products with Tags: Lists all products associated with one or more tags. See more →

Show Receipt Archive:  Displays a list of the most recent receipts. It will not display canceled transactions.  See more →

Show Receipt Customer:  Lists the customer associated with the ticket. If one does not exist, the system allows for a new entry. See more →

Split Items: Splits the combined items from function – Combing items.

Stock Receipt:  Identifies what items have been received from a previously booked stock order. See more →

Stock Return: Addresses any damaged goods received upon delivery from the supplier. See more →

Switch Batch Printing: Switches from enable to disable batch printing.

Switch Button Status: When adding this function, you must also select a tag, and then all product buttons with that tag will be highlighted. This is particularly useful if you want to flag certain products at the POS. Some examples are gluten-free, vegan, etc. That way the customer can tell the cashier what he can or can’t eat, and the buttons will indicate if the product is a fit or not. See more →

Switch Deposit Mode: This function turns on/off a Bottel Deposits. See more →

Switch POS Container Mode: Switches to and from container mode.

Switch Mandatory Signature on Receipt: Enables/Disables mandatory signature on receipt printed.

Synchronize Data with Barcode Scanner: Scans and applies a barcode # directly to a product by allowing for a search of all products.

Table Overview:  Overview of a restaurant table placement and numbers. See more →

Target Price Discount: Applies the price you desire to a product and reflects the discount in a percentage. 

Ticket Check: Checks the validity of a ticket and lists the owner’s information.

Time Tracking:  Allows employees to clock in and out of work as well as for lunch breaks. See more →

Toggle Auto Receipt Print: Allows you to turn on/off the automatic receipt printing. See more →

Toggle Quick Key Change: Turns on/off the Quick key layout. This can also be done from the button configuration page in the back office. 

Toggle Sector: Switches between different sectors for tax purposes. Note* this button must be pressed after all items have been added.

Total: The total button is used when the cashier is done adding items to the receipt and moves on to taking payments. See more →

Transfer Items: Transfers any selected products between order numbers. The order number you wish to move products to must be selected before clicking the function button.

Trigger Production: Manually triggers certain production types like gift card activation, kitchen print, or ticket activation. See more →

Void Item: Voids a single item from a receipt.

Void Receipt: Allows a cashier to void a finalized receipt in the receipt archive. See more →

ZVT Claim/ Release Control, and Sales Cut: These functions are exclusively for operating ZVT terminals.