Employee Management

The Basics: Employees

Cashiers/Cashier Roles Cashiers are login accounts of the front end or the POS itself. Their roles determine what permissions they ...

Setting Up Commission

To set up employee commission, there are a few steps to be taken. Below is a step-by-step guide for commission ...

Central Balance (POS) Functions

This allows for a POS Balance from KORONA Studio. It is typically used when running a 24-hour business with no ...

Daily Ratings (Online Function)

The Daily Ratings online function allows your employees to rate their workday based on Customer Satisfaction, Assortment Suitability, and Employee ...

Cashiers (Online Function)

The Cashiers Online Function allows for a quick overview of the working cashiers’ information and permissions right from the POS. ...

Balance Cashier

The Balance Cashier function allows the cashier to enter the amount of cash at the end of the shift and print ...

Messages (Online Function)

Allows communication with an entire organizational unit or targeted communication with an individual cashier. Creating Messages Navigate to Employees > ...

User Roles

User Roles are a way to manage and control permission for any KORONA Studio user. Here, you can block certain users from viewing ...

POS Functions

POS functions are preset point of sale functions such as product search, change quantity, customer lookup, and more. This guide provides an ...

Revenue Allocation Account Setup & Report

Revenue allocation Accounts are amounts or portions of revenue that are assigned to a particular recipient—for example employee commissions, tips, and ...
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