Generating Labels for Printing

Korona allows clients to print pricing and shelving labels from the back office. This is great when you have shelves of products. Generating Labels For Products Begin by going to your products screen by navigating to Inventory > Products. Next, select the product you wish to edit and click on the Edit button at the … Read More

Why is my Inventory Count wrong?

If your inventory count comes out wrong, consider checking the following: When was track inventory enabled? If sales have not synced, it could be a temporary discrepancy. Check receipts. Are your sales syncing? Are all your stock receipts and inventory counts booked? Is your warehouse for the product in a different org unit than your … Read More

Warehouse Reports

The Warehouse Report shows you the reorder levels, maximum levels, total ordered goods, total goods in stock and the stock value of those goods sorted by Commodity Group for a particular warehouse. Viewing Warehouse Reports The warehouse report may be found under your Evaluations tab. If you can not locate it there you will need to Edit … Read More

Price Changeable/Discountable

Price Changeable is a setting within the products of KORONA Studio. They allow prices to be changed on a specific product when the cashier does not have permission to change prices. Discountable is a setting that permits manual discounts, promotions, or price rules to be applied to this product. Watch the video to quickly learn … Read More

KORONA.pos Cloud Release Notes November 2017

Store Prices Permission The ability to set and edit store prices has a new permission within user roles Store Prices Store prices can be cleared from the mass editor. Organization Trend Report The organization trend report now has a filter allowing you to compare two separate years on the same report. Assortment Cleanup Assortment cleanup … Read More