Articles tagged with: cashier

The Basics: Employees

Cashiers/Cashier Roles Cashiers are login accounts of the front end or the POS itself. Their roles determine what permissions they ...

Cashier Start Up

Getting Started Cashiers will first be presented with the login screen. If you have a password after entering your login ...

Cashier Verification Questions

You can find our verification options by going to Settings > Verification Requirements. Here, you can define a cashier query ...

Cashier Commission Report

The Cashier Commission Report is a great way to view the overall commissions of your employees for any given time ...

Cashier Report

The Cashier Report focuses on the sales results of a single cashier during the reporting period. This report specifies net and ...

Time Summary Report and Widget

The time summary report is a retail POS feature that shows employees’ work time periods and durations. Time Tracking and Reporting  ...