Articles tagged with: product

Cashier Verification Questions

You can find our verification options by going to Settings > Verification Requirements. Here, you can define a cashier query ...

Production / Conversion

Production / Conversion products are used to create one product from several small products, such as gift baskets or multi-packs ...

Product Tag Setup

Product tags are a great way to categorize and sort products for rapid searching and button layout creation. With KORONA ...

Store Prices

Store prices are the prices of a product that have been set for that particular store. Korona allows for different ...

Product Code Recommendations

Product Code Recommendations are what is generated by the cloud after entering a number that isn’t recognized from the point ...

Stock Adjustments

If there is a breakage, loss, or miscount in your inventory, you will need to make a stock adjustment. To ...

Customer Product Report

The Customer Product Report displays which products a specific customer has purchased in the selected time period. This evaluation is ...

Product Analysis

The Product Analysis statistic gives you a detailed comparison of net profits for each product.  All included products are categorized into ...

ABC Analysis

ABC-Analysis The Product ABC Analysis groups your products into three categories – A, B, and C – according to their share of ...
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