Quick Start: Creating Cashiers & Users

At this point, you should be ready to add cashiers and users to the system. Please note that KORONA POS handles Cashiers and Users differently. This guide will give you a brief tutorial on creating both. QUICK START TO CREATING CASHIERS AND USERS Creating Cashiers To create new cashiers, navigate to Employees > Cashiers. Here, … Read More

Quick Start: Data Transfer from KORONA Studio Back Office to POS

Now that you have everything set up in the back office, you are almost ready to start testing configurations. Before you begin testing, you must synchronize your KORONA Studio back office data with your POS terminals. This is known as Retrieving Master Data. Follow the steps below to learn how to Retrieve Master Data on each of … Read More

Quick Start: Going Live with KORONA POS

All of your products, cashiers, commodity groups, everything should be ready to go now. Starting your live mode can be intimidating because suddenly things start to matter.  The following guide is intended to give you clarity on what is going to happen and what you should do before starting live mode. Before Going Live Please ask … Read More

Quick Start: Creating Buttons

With your Products and Cashiers ready, you can create buttons to ring them up on the terminal. This page will walk you through the basic steps to create buttons on your KORONA POS terminals. QUICK START TO CREATING BUTTONS Creating Buttons Point of sale buttons can be created and modified in the KORONA Studio back office. The … Read More

Getting Started: Commodity Group Setup

Now that your account has been created and activated, your next step is to set up Commodity Groups to sort your products into. This guide will provide a quick tutorial on creating your first commodity groups within KORONA Studio. What are Commodity Groups and how important are they? Commodity Groups are an important part of categorizing … Read More