Customer Display (New Configuration)

Customer Display Setup has changed and it is now its own individual section under the Settings Tab. *Note: This section only aids in customization. The customer display will still need to be configured under the individual POS under Sales > Points of Sale. Customer Display has changed in KORONA Studio and may now be found … Read More

KORONA.pos Cloud Release Notes October2018

“Cloud Update” The update will be performed Tue, 10/02/2018 12:30 AM PDT“ While the cloud update is being performed the back office might not be accessible for up to 4 hours. This update will take place during the early morning hours after midnight Monday on Tuesday. Customer Display – New Configuration Options The graphical customer … Read More

Setting Up Commission

To set up employee commission, there are a few steps to be taken. Below is a step-by-step guide for commission setup and use at the POS. STEP 1: Create the Revenue Allocation Account To create a Revenue Allocation Account, navigate to Settings > Revenue Allocation Accounts, and click on New. If you can not find it there, you must Edit Menu … Read More

Is My Credit Card Terminal Connected to the Network?

Click on your credit card terminal model for the steps to test the internet connection. Step 1: From the Genius splash screen, press the ‘0’ key 3 times on the keypad. Step 2: Using the keypad, type the password. Then press Enter (green button). Note* The default password is 9416557. If this is incorrect, please get in touch with your … Read More

Credit Card Consolidation (Report)

The Credit Card Consolidation report gives an overview of credit cards and accounts used within a certain time frame and lists actual and expected profit margins. Note that if you do not choose to Balance your Credit Payment method, you will not see figures on this report. For more information, refer to our Balancing Manual … Read More

Delivery Note Summary (Report)

Delivery notes confirm delivery for an order without payment collected. The delivery note can then be invoiced, and, in addition, multiple deliveries can be added to single invoices. You can reference our Delivery Note manual page for more information on performing these. The Delivery Note Summary report can be found under the Evaluations tab. If … Read More