You can track individual credit card types. This is helpful if you’d like to see all your card types to get a better sense of their processing rates.
Important Note
This is supported only through Genius and PAX devices.
Genius Setup/Pax Setup

First, you will need to make sure your credit terminal is set up in your POS profile. You can use our Genius Setup Guide or the Pax Terminal Setup.
Next, you must create a payment method for each type you want to track. Put the type as credit terminal and the processing type as Default. Give it the corresponding name, and under the service parameter, you will put the matching name in all capital letters.
For example:
- cat.VISA – Visa
- cat.MASTERCARD – Mastercard or Diner’s Club
- cat.AMEX – American Express
- cat.DISCOVER – Discover
Once finished, click Save and update your point of sale. Now, whenever you process a transaction using credit as an option, the card type used will be auto-assigned to the payment method with that matching parameter. This will also show on the receipt.