Z-Count Validation Widget

Using this widget allows for a quick view and adjustment of any defective z-counts straight from the dashboard. The z-count period is defined by when a business opens to when it closes. From your dashboard, locate the Widget drop-down menu on the upper left-hand corner of the page. Select Z-count validation from the menu. The widget will … Read More

Order Portal

Stock Order Using the Order Portal You may also create a stock order using the order portal which is located at Inventory > Stock Orders. The order portal lists all known products and makes them available for ordering regardless of the supplier. You may filter products by Commodity Group or Tags. You may also use the search … Read More

Automatic Report Dispatch

NOTE: THIS REPORTING REQUIRES THE PLUS PACKAGE The automatic report dispatch can be found under your Settings tab. If you cannot locate it there, you will need to edit your menu entries. Once the page launches, click +New. From the “Choose Report” window, your options are Management Report, Tax Consultant Report, or Warehouse Report. Once you … Read More

Additional Receipt Information (report)

Additional Receipt Information can be used to pull up any receipts flagged as required to produce additional information. This can be for things like capturing zip codes or performing a brief survey of a custom-entered text. This will only have results if you’ve set up the corresponding rules for these receipts. Please review our Additional … Read More


The Cancellations report is a quick way to filter for Revenue and Receipts by Voided or Cancelled Transactions. As a reminder, a voided sale is a sale that was finalized but later voided. A canceled transaction is a transaction that was never finalized but may at one point have had products on it before being … Read More

Internal Transfer Report

This report gives a quick overview of any internal transfers made within a certain time frame for an organizational unit. Internal Transfers refer to any stock movement from a Warehouse in your account to another Warehouse in your account. For help on performing these actions please reference our Internal Transfers manual page. To view the … Read More

Cross Selling

The Cross Selling function allows for multiple products to be related to one another without being added as ‘sub-products.’ To be able to use this button function, a specific tag must first be added to all related products. This will attach those items to the main product. This tag may be an already existing tag, … Read More