Customer Product Report

The Customer Product Report displays which products a specific customer has purchased in the selected time period. This evaluation is possible only for transactions of customers that have been added to the system.  This report may be found under your Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. You will need to Filter … Read More

Customer Group Statistic

The Customer Group Statistic is a pie graph that shows how much revenue is generated by each customer group for a certain period of time. Customer Group Statistics This report may be found under your Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. Your Filter options for this report are Org. Unit, and Date Range. Once you have … Read More

Customer Group Report

The Customer Group Report shows how many receipts for which customer group have been posted and how much revenue they have generated. This report may be found under your Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. The overview is filterable for Organizational Unit and Date. Once you have made your selections, click Update to refresh the … Read More

Top Customers

The Top Customer Report gives you a visual overview of top customers’ purchases by amount. This report may be found under your Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. The Top Customer Report can be Filtered by Organizational Units, Specific Keywords, and Date range. Once you have made the proper selections, click Update to … Read More

Cashier Report

The Cashier Report focuses on the sales results of a single cashier during the reporting period. This report specifies net and gross revenues generated, how many customers were served, and how many receipts have been voided. In addition, it shows the top five most commonly sold products, their top five most commonly sold commodity groups, the … Read More

Point of Sale Statistic

The Point of Sale Statistic is a graphical report that displays the completed transactions per POS for a specified time period and an organizational unit. The Point of Sale Statistic report may be found under your Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. You may Filter this report by Organizational Unit and Date range. Once you have made … Read More

Point of Sale Report

This report focuses on the sales results of a single POS for the specified reporting period. It shows the Net and Gross Revenues generated, how many customers were served, and how many receipts have been voided. The Point of Sale Report is found under the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. Your Filter options … Read More

Show MSRP on the Receipt

In order to make the customer aware of the savings compared to the MSRP, KORONA POS offers the option to display this information on the receipt. Applying MSRP to Receipts In order to get the MSRP on the receipt, there are two points to consider: 1. Editing Supplier Recommended Retail Price First, there must be … Read More