Revenue Allocation Account Setup & Report

Revenue allocation Accounts are amounts or portions of revenue that are assigned to a particular recipient—for example employee commissions, tips, and gratuity. Revenue Allocation Account Setup Creating the Account To create a Revenue Allocation Account, navigate to Settings > Revenue Allocation Accounts, and click on New. If you can not find it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. Give the account a … Read More

Sector Report

The Sector Report will give you a break out of Taxes, Revenue, and Commission account totals, across all of the Economic Zones you have available to your account. For more information about setting up Taxes, you can refer to our Tax Setup manual page. Each line in the Sector Report represents a type of taxation (in … Read More

Tag Report

The Tag Report shows you an overview of your tags and their associated sales data in the specified period. The overview can be filtered according to an organizational unit and product group. The totals cannot be added up since each product can be associated with multiple tags, and some products may not have any tags at … Read More

Discount Report

The Discount Report gives you an overview of how discounts affect your sales. This report focuses on discounted amounts and not as much on what actually caused the discount. For a more thorough examination of why discounts occur, refer to the Discount Reasons Report. The Discount Report can be found under the Evaluations tab. If … Read More

Why is the displayed discount is different than what was entered?

Why is the discount shown on the receipt different from the actual entered value? The deviation, which is usually no more than one to four cents, is that the discount on the individual items must be divided evenly. Here is a small example: You have three items on the receipt and give a receipt discount … Read More

Organization Report

The Organization Report gives you a concise breakdown of a specific Organizational Unit (store). You have quick access to gross and net revenue, taxes collected, and discounts, among other information. Additionally, you can see the different payment methods, accounts, and top cashiers in the organizational unit during the reporting period. Viewing an Organization Report This report may … Read More

Supplier Analysis

Supplier Analysis gives you an overview of your suppliers with the number of orders, average delivery duration, and gross profit from the sales of the supplier’s items. The report is also filterable by time span. This report is under the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. You may filter … Read More