Customer Sales Report & Receipts

Customer Sales report allows you to view all customer orders and their receipts for a specified date range and time. It lists the Customer Number and the date of the transaction. The Customer Name and the Organizational Unit they purchased from, Receipts, Net Revenue, and Gross Revenue are also listed. The report will also total … Read More

Deposit Product

Product deposits are generally charged on plastic and glass bottled beverage containers or aluminum cans from carbonated beverages purchased in retail stores. The refund value of the container provides a monetary incentive to return the container for recycling. This is an automatic deposit system feature for those disposable and reusable containers. As an example, we … Read More

Additional Receipt Information

Additional receipt information is a great way to prompt cashiers for text selection on specific Receipts/Transactions. Creating and Applying Additional Receipt Info Text Please navigate to Settings > Additional Receipt Information, and from there click on +New. On the following page, under the Defaults box, fill in a Description and specify if the text will Require Manual … Read More

POS Functions

POS functions are preset point of sale functions such as product search, change quantity, customer lookup, and more. This guide provides an overview of available POS button functions. You can configure POS buttons under Settings > Button Configurations.   Please also review the guide for creating POS buttons: Create POS Buttons / Button Configuration. Activate Batch Printing: Allows … Read More

Management Report

The Management Report is a very helpful tool used to view all organizational units and their performance for a certain time frame.  This report can be filtered by Organizational Unit, and Product or you may leave the default set to <All>. Choose the Date, and click Update. The report will list the Organizational units, Gross … Read More

Prepaid Transactions

The Prepaid Transactions report gives an overview of all gift cards used within a certain time frame. For information on setting up gift cards, please review our Prepaid Cards manual page. The prepaid transactions report can be found under Evaluations > Prepaid Transactions. If you do not see your report there, please refer to our … Read More

Info Text

Info texts allow you to add text prompts to any product being scanned at the register. Some common scenarios include special warning messages, attaching text to a receipt, or warning for items without a price. Creating Info Text First, you will need to navigate to Sales > Info Text. There, you will need to click +New at … Read More

Mass Search and Edit Feature

Running a mass search can help save time dramatically especially when searching for products within the same group. Running a Mass Product Search To run a mass search of products please navigate to Inventory > Products. On the product page click the filter icon at the top right-hand corner. From here you can select which filters … Read More