WooCommerce – Add Products Sales Online

KORONA’s WooCommerce integration uses an external point of sale to link accounts. This point of sale will need to be purchased prior to starting this process. If you have not done so please hover over your name on the top right of the KORONA.cloud and select “My KORONA.Cloud Packages” and expand your subscription.

Balance Statements

Shows an accumulation of balance statements. These statements can belong to a cashier, POS, or Organizational unit and may be adjusted from the back office. *Note: Balance statements are not to be confused with the end-of-day statements as those will always only belong to an Organizational Unit and only indicate the end of a business day. To … Read More

Charge Accounts

Charge accounts are commonly used when two or more businesses are joined at a physical location and are intertwined in business dealings. Charge accounts may also be used in the event a business wants to provide their customers with an ‘In House’ credit line. They use the existing Gift Card system, and you can manage … Read More

KORONA.pos Cloud Release Notes July 2018

Cloud Update The update will be performed Sat 07/07/2018 11:00 PM PDT“ While the cloud update is being performed the back office might not be accessible for up to 2 hours. New Evaluation – Retail ABC Analysis Current Korona Plus Package subscribers now have access to a new evaluation. The ABC analysis will sort your … Read More

Instant Stock Order and Instant Order Portal

The Instant Stock Order allows you to create an order pdf without having the track inventory package. In other words, once you send it, it’s gone. For retail customers using the regular Stock Order is ideal especially when tracking inventory. If you are operating on the basic Package you would use Instant Stock Order to create a pdf. Note* The instant … Read More


The feature lists all sales receipts within a given time frame. Start by navigating to Sales > Receipts. You may Filter this page by Receipt Type, Organizational Unit, Point of Sale, Cashier, Product, Payment Method, Account, Customer Group, Customer, Info Text Filter, Price Changes, Z-Count, Date, Receipt Number, Gross Total on the receipt, and specific Info … Read More

Button Status

The Button Status function highlights product buttons based on a chosen selected tag tied to the button status. The Button Status function type will allow you to select a specific tag and a color. Common scenarios are “highlight gluten-free products” or “highlight vegan products.” Navigate to Settings > Button Configuration. From there, you must edit … Read More

Balance Cashier

The Balance Cashier function allows the cashier to enter the amount of cash at the end of the shift and print an end of day cashier report. To add the button to your screen, please refer to our Create POS Buttons/Button Configurations manual page. Once the cashier has finished the shift, select the Cashier Balance. The … Read More

Seller Revenue Report

This report works with the button function “Assign Salesperson”. This function assigns a seller to a specific item on the receipt without them also being the cashier. To learn more about button functions please refer to our Create POS Buttons/ Button Function Configuration manual page. The report may be filtered by Org Unit, Commodity Group, … Read More