Articles tagged with: sector
The Cashier Commission Report is a great way to view the overall commissions of your employees for any given time ...
The Tax Report shows the generated sales tax per economic zone. Each tax rate is allocated to an economic zone ...
There are a few situations where it may be useful to change the tax on a receipt at the time ...
Tagged: alternative sector, Change Receipt Tax (Alternate Sector), change sector, change tax, rate, sale tax, sales tax, saletax, sector, tax, tax free, tax rate, tax sector, toggle sector, toggle tax rate
Tax Set Up (Sectors ONLY) Sectors consist of all applicable tax rates for a group of products and allow you ...
Tagged: change rate, change tax, change tax rate, Create sector, create sectors, different tax rate, economic zone, economic zones, product tax, revenue share, sector, sectors, subtotal index, tax, tax category, tax free, tax free setup, tax rate, tax rate change, tax sector, tax sectors
A common task in retail businesses is adding new products to your database. Your product catalog should always be up-to-date to ...
Tagged: active product, adding products, creating products, Deposit Product, discountable, making new products, making products, new products, packaging required, price changable, product, product code, product creation, products, require serial, sector, track inventory