Product Report

The Product Report provides many details regarding the sales data for one particular product.   The Product Report is found in the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. Besides outlining general product revenue data, the report shows additional sections. When selecting one of the sections listed, you will have an … Read More

Volume Report

The Volume Report shows sales quantities and revenue data grouped by individual products for a selected time period. The Volume Report report is found under the Evaluations tab.  If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. The available Filters for this report are Org. Unit, Commodity Group, Cashier, Supplier, Tag, Receipt Type, and Assortment. From the Receipt Type … Read More

Product Analysis

The Product Analysis statistic gives you a detailed comparison of net profits for each product.  All included products are categorized into three general groups: Category A (displayed in green) Category B (displayed in orange) and Category C (displayed in red) The Product Analysis statistic is found in the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit … Read More

Top Seller (Org Average)

The Top Seller (Org Average) report is similar to the normal Top Seller Report except that this is based on the organizational unit averages and contains some additional columns with average information.  This report is useful when you have multiple stores selling mostly the same products. The Top Seller (Org Average) is found under the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate … Read More

Top Seller Report

This report will give you detailed insight into which products have the most significant impact on your revenue and gross profit. The Top Seller report is found in the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. You can Filter the report by Assortment, Organizational Unit, and Time Frame, and Sort the … Read More

Slow Sellers (Org Average)

The Slow Seller (Org Average) report is similar to the normal Slow Seller Report except that this is based on the organizational unit averages. It contains some additional columns with average information. This report is useful when you have multiple stores selling mostly the same products. The Slow Seller (Org Average) is found in the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you … Read More

Slow Seller Report

This report will give you detailed insight into which products have the least significant impact on your revenue and gross profit. The slow seller report is found under the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries. You can Filter the report by Organizational Unit, Supplier, Assortment, Sort Order, Assortment Product, Commodity Group, Date range, and … Read More

ABC Analysis

ABC-Analysis The Product ABC Analysis groups your products into three categories – A, B, and C – according to their share of your overall revenue. Products assigned to category ‘A’ have the biggest impact on your revenue (70%) and are reflected in green.  Products in category ‘B’ have a smaller impact (20%) and are reflected in yellow. … Read More