Serial Number Report

The Serial Number report lists any and all products with serial numbers and any relations with receipts. Ticketing Numbers will also be listed on this report as they are a type of serialization. For setting up Serial Numbers on products you can review our Serial Number Setup manual page. Start by navigating to Evaluations > Serial … Read More

Messages (Online Function)

Allows communication with an entire organizational unit or targeted communication with an individual cashier. Creating Messages Navigate to Employees > Messages. Click New. On the following page, fill in the Subject field. Choose a Recipient. This could be either an individual cashier or an organizational unit. Next, set a Priority Status for your message. Your options are High, … Read More

Shelf Life Report

The Shelf Life Report is used to query assigned information for products with shelf life info. This report may be found under the Evaluations tab. If you can’t locate it there, please refer to our Edit Menu Entries manual page. This report can be filtered by Warehouse, Commodity Group, and Date. You may even specify … Read More

Supplier Purchase Report

The Supplier Purchase Report is useful for tracking all the transactions you’ve had with your various suppliers. You can use the report to see how many total goods have been received within certain time frames, how much has been spent on those products, and how often you’ve received products from each supplier. For help setting … Read More


It is entirely possible to use more than one currency when using KORONA POS. This works great for shops that are located inside airports or tourist gift shops. To create or edit currencies, navigate to your Settings > Currencies. Create a new currency by clicking on +New, or you may select an existing one and click on … Read More

POS Profiles

The POS profiles control how a certain point of sale device will function and connect to other devices. To access the POS Profiles, please navigate to Settings > POS Profile. The Number field will auto-generate. Fill in the Name field.  POS Settings Cent Input: Automatically inputs cent amounts so no mistakes are made in prices. Require … Read More

KORONA.pos Cloud Release Notes June 2018

“The update will be performed Sat 06/02/2018 11:00 PM PDT“ While the cloud update is being performed the back office might not be accessible for up to 2 hours. Additional Receipt Information The new additional receipt information can be found under the settings tab. This will allow you to collect information relevant to each specific … Read More