Articles tagged with: guide

Quick Start: Setup Complete

SUCCESS! You have successfully completed all the necessary steps required to setup and go live with KORONA POS. You are ready ...

Quick Start: Creating Cashiers & Users

At this point, you should be ready to add cashiers and users to the system. Please note that KORONA POS ...

Quick Start: Data Transfer from KORONA Studio Back Office to POS

Now that you have everything set up in the back office, you are almost ready to start testing configurations. Before ...

Quick Start: Testing Phase

Now that your back office is set up and your data is uploaded to the terminals, it’s recommended that you ...

Quick Start: Going Live with KORONA POS

All of your products, cashiers, commodity groups, everything should be ready to go now. Starting your live mode can be ...

Quick Start: Creating Buttons

With your Products and Cashiers ready, you can create buttons to ring them up on the terminal. This page will ...

Getting Started: Commodity Group Setup

Now that your account has been created and activated, your next step is to set up Commodity Groups to sort your ...

Quick Start: Creating Products

Now that you have your Commodity Groups created, you will need to create the products that you wish to sell. ...