Articles tagged with: end of day
Customers All of your customers will be located here. You can input various bits of information related to your customers, ...
Beginning Day/ End of Day Procedure Starting Balance:To enter the starting cash balance in your drawer: Input the amount you ...
The feature lists all sales receipts within a given time frame. Start by navigating to Sales > Receipts. You may ...
Tagged: assign customer to completed receipt, completed eod, completed receipts, correct lpp, correct margins, correct purchase price, end of day, end of days, eod, export receipt, export receipts, receipt, receipts, view end of day, view receipts, wrong purchase price
The Balance POS function is an end of shift function that helps the cashier match the totals between what is in ...
Tagged: balance, Balance cashier, balance pos, balance pos widget, balance pos/end of day, balances, balancing, balancing pos, blind balance, cash drop, close out, closing out, daily balance, daily balancing, end of day, end of day statement, end of day statements, ending the day, pos balance, pos balancing, POS end of day, z count
The end-of-day statement is a summary of all activities for one register for a z-count period. A z-count period represents ...
Tagged: balance pos, balance pos/end of day, balances, balancing, balancing pos, close out, closing out, end of day, end of day statement, end of day statements, eod, eod statement, eod statements, finalization, finish day, POS end of day, server closeout, x report, z report