Cashier Revenue Report

Cashier Revenue Report shows an accumulation of income made by cashiers during a given period of time for multiple organizational units.

To view the cashier revenue report, navigate to Evaluations > Cashier Revenue Report tab. If you do not see your report there, you may want to Edit Menu Entries.

This report may be filtered by Organization unit, Commodity Group, Product, Date and Time, or Cashier. You may leave the default settings and click Update.

Once the report loads, it will list the cashier Number, Name (under “Cashier), Items (quantity), Net Revenue, Gross Revenue, Receipts, Average Receipt Net Revenue, and Net Receipt Discounts. This report will also total all quantities.

Selecting the Cashier (name) will give an additional drop-down menu with the following options:

Finally, you may export this report to a PDF or Excel for record keeping.