Stock Returns

Stock returns are a great way to address any damaged goods received upon delivery from the supplier. thus, the supplier will either need to replace the damaged goods or credit the account.  For reports related please visit our Stock Return Rates manual page and our Stock Return Report manual page. Creating a Stock Return To create a … Read More

Stock History

Stock History Report The Stock History Report is useful in determining the inventory history of a certain product. For example, if you need to figure out when something was received incorrectly or had an incorrect cost, this would be the best tool to use. To view your Stock History Report, navigate to Evaluations > Stock History. … Read More


Create Supplier To create a supplier navigate to Inventory > Suppliers. Click on +New and the create supplier page will launch. The number field self-generates but you can manually change it. Name the supplier and add any additional supplier information you may need, and then once you are done click Save. *Note: On the supplier you can now enter the delivery … Read More


Creating Customers in the KORONA Studio  To create customers, start by navigating to Sales > Customers. On the Customers screen, there will be an overall count of customers you have created. Click on +New. You will be taken to the Create Customer page. Here, you are required to, at minimum, enter the customer’s last name and select … Read More

Customer Orders

Creating Customer Order Customer Orders can be created from the back office by navigating to Inventory > Customer Orders and clicking +New. The Create Customer Order screen should launch. You will need to choose the Customer from the drop-down menu. If your customer name does not appear there, please see our Customers manual page. Next, select your … Read More

Price Rules

Price rules are one of the ways you can apply changes to prices without having to use separate price groups or promotions. This is great if you want to apply a discount to your staff on everything in the store. However, we recommend using our promotions feature to create and manage specials and discounts. For … Read More


A method of invoicing is needed to collect payments when taking and fulfilling customer orders. With the KORONA Invoicing package, users can generate invoices manually, from offers, delivery notes, customer orders, and rentals.  The menu for your invoices can be accessed by navigating to Invoicing > Invoices. Once you are on that screen, any paid invoices … Read More

KORONA POS Release Notes April 2018

“Cloud Update” “The update will be performed Sat 04/07/2018 11:00 PM PDT“ While the cloud update is being performed the back office might not be accessible for up to 2 hours. On this page: Customer Orders – Bulk Print Customer orders can now be printed in bulk. Simply select multiple orders and press the PDF … Read More