
The dashboard is your personal front page, which you can customize to your needs. It provides a quick overview of important revenue data and quick access to common routines. The dashboard contains several widgets. Add widgets to your dashboard by using the drop-down menu in the top left corner. You can move dashboard widgets by selecting “Change Order” … Read More

Create Assortments

You have many different products in your database with different commodity groups. However, not every product is available at all times. For example, you may have seasonal items, discontinued items, or items you only carry in certain locations. Assortments can help you categorize items by their availability and order procedure. Back Office Configuration When you start out, … Read More

Quick-Key Return

The Quick Key Return option in the POS profile defines whether the POS will return to the main quick key layout or stay in the current button layout after pressing a product button. Find this setting under Settings > POS Profiles. For additional information, please refer to our POS profiles manual page.

Create Cashiers

To adjust cashier permissions and roles, please visit our Manage Cashier Roles and Permissions manual page. Create Cashier To create new cashiers, navigate to Employees > Cashiers. Here, you can create, edit, and delete from the list of cashiers for your organization.   By default, the system comes with 2 sample cashiers configure – John … Read More

Commodity Group Setup

Commodity Groups are a very important aspect of categorizing your products. One of the most important aspects of Commodity Groups is that you can nest them, allowing you to create sub-commodity groups underneath each individual group. You can create as many subgroups as you wish, but remember that over-categorization can quickly complicate things. Many retailers with large … Read More

How does the profit get calculated?

The current profit margin for product prices is determined by the difference between the retail price and the last purchase price.  The last purchase price can be found in the Edit Product screen. It is automatically updated if you book a Stock Order or Stock Receipt. Profit margins are calculated using the actual sales price, … Read More