Creating Promotions
Go to the promotions page by navigating to the Promotions module on the left side, then select “Couponing Promotions.” Here, you ...
QuickBooks Integration
Your KORONA software has an integration with QuickBooks Online that makes it simple to balance your books. In just a ...
Stock Orders & Stock Receipts
Stock Orders Stock Orders differ from Store Orders as they are specific to a Supplier. A Stock Order will correspond ...
Why is the displayed discount is different than what was entered?
Why is the discount shown on the receipt different from the actual entered value? The deviation, which is usually no ...
Assortment Clean Up (KORONA POS Plus)
You may have many products in your business that are seasonal or others that are simply not selling. Assortment clean-up ...
Economic Zones
Economic Zones are the geographical areas where your business operates. They distinguish unique tax rates and requirements (i.e., counties, cities, ...
Is it possible to exclude products from price rules or promotions?
Price rules and promotions do not have an option to exclude certain products. However, you do have the following options ...
How long will my data be stored in the cloud?
Sales data for active accounts is stored for 10 years. Inactive accounts can be accessed for up to 12 months ...
How does the profit get calculated?
The current profit margin for product prices is determined by the difference between the retail price and the last purchase ...