End of Year Inventory

Yearly Inventory Value At the end of every year your business takes a snapshot of your inventory value for tax purposes. The easiest way to make sure KORONA POS does this for you is if you have our PLUS package. You can use the Automatic Report Dispatch to setup your Warehouse report to send to … Read More


Event An Event in KORONA Event is something that is forecast ahead of time and likely to happen. A good example of this would be an Anniversary party. Below we will walk through setting an Event up: Creating an Event Navigate to Services>Events and select ‘New‘. If you want to create it based off an … Read More

Cashier Start Up

Getting Started Cashiers will first be presented with the login screen. If you have a password after entering your login and hitting ‘Login’ enter your password and then hit ‘Login’ again. Workflow Ringing up Items Your general screen will look somewhat like the screenshot below. You can ring in items by pressing buttons for products … Read More


KORONA Integration is an add-on tool that can be linked to your KORONA Cloud account to help you do a variety of tasks with data from KORONA POS and KORONA Studio. For any questions, please email us at support@koronapos.com or call 833.200.0213. Getting Started  KORONA Integration allows you to set up your own data to … Read More

KORONA.pos Cloud Release Notes May 2022

“The update will be performed Mon, 05/02/2022 12:00 AM PDT“ While the cloud update is being performed the back office might not be accessible for up to 5 hours. This update will take place during the early morning hours after midnight Monday. Movement Report You can now filter the Movement Report to only show items … Read More