The Top Seller (Org Average) report is similar to the normal Top Seller Report except that this is based on the organizational unit averages and contains some additional columns with average information. This report is useful when you have multiple stores selling mostly the same products.
The Top Seller (Org Average) is found under the Evaluations tab. If you cannot locate it there, you must Edit Menu Entries.
You may filter this report by Org Unit, Supplier, Assortment, Sort Order, Date, Assortment Products, Commodity Groups, and Day of Week.
Additionally, You may select one of the highlighted Product Names for these additional drop-down menu options:
- Edit Product
- Discount Reasons Report
- Product Report
- Product per Weekday
- Receipts
- Stock History
- Stock Return Rates
Finally, you may export this report as a PDF or Excel file by selecting one from the top of the page.