Articles tagged with: promotion
The Basics: POS Training
Below are “The Basics” you will want to cover and understand when using the KORONA POS. Most of these categories ...
The Basics: Promotions
Couponing Promotions Here, you will have all of your promotions, discounts such as veteran discounts or promotional discounts such as ...
Creating Promotions
Go to the promotions page by navigating to the Promotions module on the left side, then select “Couponing Promotions.” Here, you ...
Tagged: auto discounts, automatic discount, automatic discounts, bonus points, coupons, creating discounts, Creating Promotions, discount, discounting, discounting products, discounts, employee discount, item discounts, loyalty, loyalty discounts, loyalty points, new discount, points, product discount, promo, promos, promotion, promotional discounts, promotions, setting up discounts, special promos, stamp cards, stamps
Is it possible to exclude products from price rules or promotions?
Price rules and promotions do not have an option to exclude certain products. However, you do have the following options ...