Cloud Update
The update will be performed WED, October 14, 2020 01:00 AM PDT
While the cloud update is being performed the back office might not be accessible for up to 4 hours. This update will take place during the early morning hours after midnight Tuesday to Wednesday morning.
Role Specific Buttons
It is now possible to set buttons that are only available for use to specific cashier roles.
To do this, open the button configuration and edit a button layout. Select a button. Now you can activate the manager clearance for this button and select which cashier role is required to perform the stored function.
If a cashier with a different role presses the button, the login screen will open and a cashier with the defined cashier role must log in. After the function is executed, the second cashier is logged out again.
If manager sharing is enabled, two-cashier verification can also be activated. This means that a second cashier login is always required when the button is pressed, even if the logged in cashier has the defined role.
External Coupons can now act as a Promotion Trigger
Coupons created outside of Korona can now act as a trigger for a promotion. This way you can create promotional coupons outside of Korona that can be scanned and give the customer a discount.
In the box Trigger you simply enter a number in the field “external coupon number”. Since the triggers can be combined, you can easily attach further conditions to them, such as a minimum amount for a certain product group.
In addition, you can now add a picture to info texts of the type receipt. This image is then printed on the receipt together with the text.
If you now store this receipt text on an action, which is now possible, the customer will be clearly informed about the action on the receipt. The receipt text can also refer to further actions or contain a coupon code for another action.
You see, completely new possibilities open up.
Digital Receipts
You can now add the customer’s e-mail address to the receipt yourself. All you have to do is configure the number range. Set e-mail for digital sales slip. As soon as the receipt is imported into the, the customer gets his e-mail with the completed receipt.
There are two ways to store the e-mail address on the receipt. First, the customer needs a QR code generator on his cell phone which displays their e-mail address as QR code. You simply scan it in with a 2D scanner. If you have configured the number range Set e-mail for digital receipt, the cash register will recognize the e-mail address and set it on the receipt.
If the customer only wants to/can only verbally relay their e-mail address, simply enter it using the virtual keyboard and press Enter. You can display the virtual keyboard of the cash register by clicking the keyboard icon in the status bar at the top.
Not everyone has a graphical customer display. However, we want to make the digital receipt accessible to all our customers in order to comply with the obligation to issue receipts so we have come up with this!
Cancelling Production Type Items
Previously, generated production type items could not be reversed when printing to the kitchen or activating tickets. From now on this is possible.
But there is more!
If a generated item or a document with generated items is reversed, this reversal is passed on to the creator. This means that when printing in the kitchen a cancellation document is sent to the kitchen printer as well as already activated tickets are blocked. The best part is that all this happens automatically and you don’t have to do anything else!
But there is still one small limitation. When a ticket is cancelled, the creator is not addressed, because the ticket cancellation must also be possible offline. So if you ever have to cancel a document that contains generated items, you have to notify the kitchen itself or manually block the tickets.
NOTE: This will also require the new POS version 1.96 that has yet to be released.
Scheduled Master Data Updates
If the master data is changed frequently, such as product prices or promotions, neither the cashier needs to retrieve nor the cash register restarted. The cash register pulls the master data fully automatically in the configured interval.
The interval is configured in the point of sale profile.
Additional Receipt Data
The PDF copy of the till receipt, which can be downloaded in the back office, now also shows the cashier and the organizational unit.
Customer External Reference Field
There is an additional field that has been added to customer data. Outside reference numbers may be stored here and used for assignment.
This field is transferred via the API as “externalID”.
Cashier Organizational Units
You can now assign organizational units to each cashier. As a result, this cashier can only log in at the cash registers of his or her orgs.
It also allows you to restrict the access of back office users to the cashiers. The user can now only access the cashiers that belong to at least one of the org units the user is assigned to.
For this purpose, the menu item Cashier Locations has been added to the Employees menu. You can only see the menu item if you display it via Edit menu items. The desired Orgs are assigned to the cashier location. The cashier location is again assigned to the cashier.
If there is no cashier location, the cashier can log in anywhere and will be seen by all backoffice users.
This function is only available with the Plus Package.
Print Customer Information
We have made it printable so that you can store customer information in the customer data and take it with you as information.
Simply call up the customer with the online function Customers and press the print symbol at the desired information. You are ready to go.
Adjusting Inventory
If inventory adjustments become necessary on a larger scale, this correction can now be imported via Custom CSV/Excel Import (Settings > Data Exchange).
Only three columns are necessary:
Product > Product number
Organizational unit > Organization number
Stock adjustments > Item quantity
API Changes click here