Go to the promotions page by navigating to the Promotions module on the left side, then select “Couponing Promotions.” Here, you can create new promotions or manage existing ones. To get started, click on +New.
This screen allows you to create promotions based on a wide variety of parameters. To create your promotion, you will need to set up the triggers and benefits appropriately for the promotion you wish to have. Details on each of the triggers are described below.

You can find information on our Promotion Wizard manual support page.
Defaults Box
In the defaults box, you can set the name and type of discount.
- Bonus points for Cashier: Allows cashiers to accrue bonus points on sales they make
- Bonus points for Customers: Allows customers to accrue bonus points on sales they pay for.
- Coupon with Discount: Will print out a coupon for use the next time in-store
- Immediate Discount: Gives an immediate discount or benefit on the current receipt.
- Stamps for Customer (Punch/Stamp cards): Similar to bonus points, these stamps or punches will accrue and be used later for a benefit.
Here, you can set the dates and times for your promotion.
*Note: The conditions (products, etc) do not have to be the same as the products in the benefit box. For example: Buy $10.00 worth of Chips and get a $2.50 Pack of Soda for free.
Date: Use this to restrict your promotion to a certain date range. The start date is included. The end date will not be included in the promotion.
Weekdays: What days of the week do you want your coupon to be good for? If you only run a happy hour M-F, this will allow you to set that up.
Calendar Days: This allows you to determine what days of the month you want your promotion to run. So, if you only want it to run every third day or every other day, you can check those days.
Time of Day: Use this to restrict your promotion to certain times of day. Note that time is in military/24-hour format.
Org. Unit: Use this if you want to restrict the promotion to certain Org Units.
Customer Information: If you would like to add info text with this promotion, you can add it here.
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Here, you can set what causes your promotion to happen.
*Note: The conditions (products, etc) do not have to be the same as the products in the benefit box. For example: Buy $10.00 worth of Chips and get a $2.50 Pack of Soda for free.
Total Receipt Amount: You can trigger a promotion to occur based on the total exact amount or greater.
Total Product Quantity: You can trigger a promotion based on the total number of products on a receipt.
Item Amount With Tag: You can trigger a promotion based on the total of items with a specific tag. If you are trying to set it in increments, use >=.
Item Quantity: You can trigger a promotion based on the total number of a specific product on a receipt. If you are trying to set it in increments, use >=.
Item Quantity with Tag: Use this if you want to restrict the promotion to certain Org Units.
Customer: You can trigger a promotion by assigning a specific customer.
Customer Group: You can trigger a promotion by assigning a customer group to a receipt. This is a great way to trigger employee discounts.
External Coupon Number: In the Trigger box, you can enter something alphanumeric in the field “external coupon number.” Since the triggers can be combined, you can easily attach further conditions to them, such as a minimum amount for a certain product group.
NOTE: When using ‘External Coupon Number,’ you will also need to add a number range for ‘Redeem External coupon.’ Additionally, you will need to generate the barcode on your own. This is best utilized to trigger promotions that last for a set period of time, as there is no way to limit the amount of redemptions.
Configuring External Coupon Promotions:
Couponing promotions can be triggered using External Coupon Codes. This requires a few small steps: Go to Promotions -> Couponing Promotions, and click +New.
Set the Type to “Immediate Discount,“ and under Trigger, click the check mark for External Coupon Number. Fill that in with the UPC from the Coupon.
*NOTE: If the coupon has a number field that changes between coupons, only fill in the numbers that will not change. The other numbers will be addressed in the next step.
Go to Settings -> Number Ranges, click “+ Add Number Range,” and scroll until you find Redeem External Coupon.
A blank field will appear with an asterisk. The asterisk is a wildcard symbol, allowing coupons to be numbered. For example, if you wanted to do a special printing of 100 Coupons, the coupon number might resemble (1-100)######,
The number signs represent the numbers on the coupon that do not change. After the asterisk, just enter the numbers that do not change from the coupon and click Save.
At the POS, Retrieve Master Data and restart.
Discount Management
To setup a “Happy Hour” promotion, for all items in the Commodity Group “BEER”, you can use the Validity section to setup the “Time of Day.” Then in the Benefit box, you can set it to make all beers $2.99 for example. Alternatively, if you did not want it to apply to all items in that Commodity Group, you could do it by tag (as seen in an example above), and tag the select beers you want this promotion to apply to.