Inventory Management

Integrating With the Orderportal API as a Supplier

The Orderportal is the interface between your supplier service and your customers KORONA POS account. You are able to create ...

The Basics: Inventory

On this page: Commodity Groups/Sub-Commodity Groups Organizing products into groups simplifies inventory management and reporting. As you see below, we ...

Handheld Inventory Scanner App

The Handheld Inventory App allows you to process stock receipts, stock adjustments, store orders, dispatch notifications, count inventory, or scan ...

Container Mode

Container Mode allows the POS to default to a product container instead of an individual product when selected.This is a ...

Adding A Supplier To Products

Navigate to Inventory > Products. Then, select the product to which you would like to add a supplier. Under Suppliers, click the Add button ...

Ordering and Receiving

This is a beginner step-by-step guide to creating and receiving orders. For a more detailed page, please visit our Stock ...

Product Code Quantity

Setting up Product Code Quantities is very handy in situations where a product is sold as a pack and as ...

Stocks (POS Online Function)

KORONA POS Stocks online function lets you view your stock levels straight from your POS. This online function will pull ...

Why Is My Stock Order Missing After Using the Order Portal?

If you are using the order portal to create new stock orders and you do not see your newly created stock order ...

How Do I Set My Inventory Count to Zero?

To set all inventory counts to zero create an annual inventory count by navigating to Inventory > Inventories. To learn ...
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