POS Functions
See the list of all POS button functions here.
Receipt Archive
The POS function Receipt Archive will display a list of the most recent receipts. It can also be used to ...
Void Receipt
The Void Receipt function allows a cashier to void a finalized receipt in the receipt archive. Note: Only cashiers with ...
Park Receipt
The POS function Park Receipt can be used to put a receipt on hold while handling another transaction. If the Park Receipt ...
Open Receipt via Order Number
This function allows cashiers to recall a Park Receipt by its order number. Configuration: POS: Ring up the items on ...
Copy Receipt
The Copy Receipt function can be used to copy the line items from a finalized receipt to a new receipt. ...
Reopen Receipt
This function can be used in the receipt archive to modify a finalized receipt. It is generally used to correct ...
Set Order Number
Description: The POS function “Set Order No” is used to assign or remove an order reference number to the receipt. The ...
Inventory Receipt
The POS function Inventory Receipt can used to create inventory counts at the point of sale. Please be aware that ...
Total Button
The total button is used when the cashier is done adding items to a receipt and moves on to taking payments. ...