“Cloud Update”
“The update will be performed Mon, 12/16/2019 01:00 AM PDT“
While the cloud update is being performed the back office might not be accessible for up to 2 hours. This update will take place during the early morning hours after midnight Sunday on Monday.
List Sorting
Whatever sorting filter applied to an inventory count is now included in export to PDF.
Previous Balance
Previous balance can be applied to accounts via cash deposit/starting balance
Customer Past Purchases
From the POS, the online function ‘Customers’ now shows past sale purchases by last number of days instead of month. Previously if sale history was looked at on the first of month it would only display one day of sales history as it calculated by calendar not by time passed.
POS Product Search
Product search from POS is now limited to active assortments.
- Time of delivery for events now available via API
- Now able to set quantity denomination via API
- Info text on display note
- Opening time of Org. Unit now available via API
- PDF version of receipt fixed with correct sub product display
- When placing internal store order the product no longer ignores case amount
- Account transactions with zero value no longer triggers error
- Product name length no longer affects price check function
- POS Report Error fix
- Stamps now apply correctly to discounted products