Inventory Management

POS Functions

POS functions are preset point of sale functions such as product search, change quantity, customer lookup, and more. This guide provides an ...

Stock Returns

Stock returns are a great way to address any damaged goods received upon delivery from the supplier. thus, the supplier will ...

Customer Orders

Creating Customer Order Customer Orders can be created from the back office by navigating to Inventory > Customer Orders and ...

In Store Barcodes/Inclusive Price

Certain barcodes have embedded prices. For example, you may sell products such as magazines or newspapers with a fixed price ...

Generating Labels for Printing

Korona allows clients to print pricing and shelving labels from the back office. This is great when you have shelves ...

Production / Conversion

Production / Conversion products are used to create one product from several small products, such as gift baskets or multi-packs ...

Why is my Inventory Count wrong?

If your inventory count comes out wrong, consider checking the following: When was track inventory enabled? If sales have not ...

Product Tag Setup

Product tags are a great way to categorize and sort products for rapid searching and button layout creation. With KORONA ...

Price Changeable/Discountable

Price Changeable is a setting within the products of KORONA Studio. They allow prices to be changed on a specific ...

Store Prices

Store prices are the prices of a product that have been set for that particular store. Korona allows for different ...