How to Import: Minimum Import Sheet

Importing should be handled with much care. On this page we will go over importing a minimum import sheet and what fields to input. Due to the sensitive nature of importing we request you contact Korona support with any and all questions relating to it. Additionally, keep in mind before going live Korona Support will … Read More

The Basics: Settings

Button Configuration This topic is rather complex as there are numerous ways to customize your button configurations. This page is a great starting point for diving into this topic: If you have any questions about this or need any guidance please call our support line. Below Is an example of creating some of the … Read More

The Basics: Manual POS Training

Below are “The Basics” you will want to cover and understand when using the KORONA POS. Most of these categories are expanded upon in further detail in their own dedicated manual pages. So, if you want additional details on your topic of interest you can type the topic in the search bar. If you haven’t … Read More

The Basics: Employees

Cashiers/Cashier Roles Cashiers are login accounts of the front end or the POS itself. Their roles determine what permissions they have and what actions they have access to. If you are curious about what these permissions do, please see this page: Users/User Roles Users are logins for the back office/back end. User Permissions are … Read More

The Basics: Sales

Listed below are the main areas you will want to be familiar with in the Sales section of your back office. Customers All of your customers will be located here. You can input various bits of information related to your customers, and you can link the customer with their loyalty number by putting them both … Read More

The Basics: Inventory

Commodity Groups/Sub-Commodity Groups Organizing products into groups simplifies inventory management and reporting. As you see below, we have a well-established Commodity group hierarchy. This can best be used for organization and more precise reporting, promotions, and discounting. Inventories There are numerous types of inventories all used to correct and change your quantity on hand. Below, … Read More

The Basics: POS Use

Starting Balance To input your starting balance at the beginning of your day, navigate to the Number 3 sidebar tab and select Starting Balance/ Cash Deposit. You will then be prompted to input an amount. This amount will be the cash amount you wish to enter into your drawer. After entering your quantity, select the … Read More

Transfer Items Between Receipts/Orders

This function allows cashiers to transfer items between parked receipts within KORONA POS. Configuration: To utilize this functionality you will need a variety of buttons prepared. You will need: Order of Operations: Following these steps will ensure a seamless transfer of items between receipts, facilitating efficient transaction management. See below for a demonstration.