Boca Ticket Printer Guide

Boca Maintenance Recommendations

  • If your business is seasonal and tickets are only sold during part of the year, please ensure that you don’t store tickets inside ticket printers. This is especially important if you sell wristbands or other ticket stock with adhesive, as the adhesive may leak out.
  • We recommend cleaning your Bocas anytime you see a visible dust accumulation or other particulates. Check anytime you change your ticket stock.
    • If you have wristbands or other adhesive ticket stock, this is also a good time to check the rollers to ensure they are not sticky.
  • Additionally, we recommend cleaning the platen of the Boca at least once a year, regardless of ticket stock.
  • Bocas’s Maximum Operating Temperature is 113 degrees Fahrenheit and under 90% humidity (without condensation). However, this recommendation is for blank ticket stock. If you use wristbands or printed ticket stock, these numbers may be lower.
  • When powering up your Boca, it is important to wait at least 5 seconds before loading any ticket stock. During this time, the Boca’s cutter will rapidly move up and down, which can cause jams if tickets are loaded prematurely.

Boca General Troubleshooting

  • If your Boca is printing the ticket in the wrong place or printing blank tickets before or after the printed ticket, it often means the sensors on the ticket printer must be cleaned. We recommend following Boca’s cleaning guidelines linked below.
  • If you are encountering issues with a Boca skipping tickets, it is recommended to turn the Boca off, hold the test button, and then turn the Boca on while holding the test button for at least 5 seconds.
  • If tickets are printed with blank spaces, it usually means that the thermal printhead needs to be cleaned. 
  • If the tickets are not being cut properly, please ensure the cutter isn’t blocked and can move freely.
  • If the tickets are being printed or cut in erratic places, check to ensure the ticket stock is not defective, such as having unevenly spaced or black marks that are too light in color.
  • You will want to ensure that your Boca remains on the same connection configuration as instructed by KORONA Support. This will prevent any errors caused by the POS trying to communicate to the wrong place.
