Tips/Tipping Guide

Tipping can be set up in two different ways depending on preference. The first is by having a prompt on the credit card terminal asking customers if they would like to tip. The second is to have a set up in KORONA with an account for your tips for dollar amount suggestions or percentages.

Prompting Tips On Credit Card Terminal

To get a prompt on your credit card terminal asking customers if they would like to tip, you must activate this option on the credit card terminal itself. Your credit card payment processor can enable it.

If you need contact information for your processor, you can use this link to see if your processor’s contact information is listed: Payment Processor Contact Info.

Once tipping is enabled on the credit terminal, navigate to Settings > Payment Methods in your cloud account and select Credit. Next, under Service Parameter, enter ‘tips‘ and click ‘Save’ at the top.

Next, under Service Parameter, enter ‘tips‘ and click ‘Save’ at the top.

Adding Tips In KORONA POS

When applying a tip from a credit terminal, KORONA POS must store that value in a Tip account. Login to your KORONA Studio account, navigate to Settings > Accounts, and create a deposit account named “Tips.”

Next, navigate to Sales > Points of Sale, select the appropriate POS, and click ‘Edit’ at the top.

In the General section, find ‘TIP Account.’ Select the new ‘Tips’ account, and click ‘Save’ at the top.

Once you have retrieved master data on the appropriate point of sale, each time a customer enters a tip amount, it will be stored in this ‘Tips’ deposit account.

Here is an example of how receipts print when a customer has left a tip.

Tip Adjustment In KORONA POS

To set up this method of tipping in KORONA POS, you must log in to your KORONA Studio account, navigate to Settings > Accounts, and create a deposit account named “Tips.” Then, you must go to your button configurations, create a button, name it “Tip Adjustment” on the payment screen, and add these functions in this order:

  • Account – Tips
  • Payment method – Credit
  • Function – Adjust Payment

When you add these functions to the button, you must update your POS before you can use it. Then, when ready, you can ring up transactions on your POS, print out the receipt, and when the customer returns the receipt with the tip amount, you go into your receipt archive, reopen the receipt, hit total, and enter the tip amount into the keypad and press your tip adjustment button.

This will send the adjusted amount to the credit card terminal and process that adjusted tip amount

Adding Gratuity to a Transaction

You can add a Gratuity Payment to a transaction using the existing “Tips” account. If you want to keep them separate, you can create a new account called “Gratuity.”

Navigate to Settings > Accounts and create a deposit account named “Gratuity.” Then you will need to go to your button configurations, create a button, and name it:

  • Function – Set % of Receipt Total
  • Account – Tips/Gratuity
  • Function – Enter

This button would most commonly be located on the payment page. When using this type of button, you want to enter the percentage of gratuity you’d like to add on and then press this button. That adjusts the total owed to have the gratuity included. The gratuity is assigned to the relevant account on the receipt.