Articles tagged with: first steps
Quick Start: First Steps
Welcome to your new POS solution, KORONA POS! The following guide is intended to give you a quick step-by-step instruction ...
In: Beginner's Guide
Tagged: account, account creation, account set up, account setup, activation, beginner's guide, Changing password, changing pin, creation, download pos, first, first steps, getting started, log in, login, login pin, loging in, new account, new set up, password, pin, POS, pos download, setting up, setup, start, starting, starting with korona, steps, tutorial
First Steps: Getting Started with KORONA POS
Welcome to your new POS solution, KORONA POS! The following guide is intended to give you a quick step-by-step instruction ...
In: Beginner's Guide
Tagged: account, account creation, account set up, account setup, activation, beginner's guide, beginning, Changing password, changing pin, connect POS, couple POS, creation, download, download pos, first steps, getting started, installation code, installation token, log in, login, login pin, loging in, new account, new set up, password, pin, POS, pos download, quick start, setting up, setup, start, starting, starting with korona, steps, tutorial