How to Create a Graduated Discount Promotion

What is a Graduated Discount?

A Graduated Discount is a promotion where the discount progressively increases based on the quantity purchased or the total amount spent by the customer. The more they buy, the better the discount.

The area we want to configure this discount in the KORONA Studio is the Promotions > Couponing Promotions section. Once there, select new to create your Graduated Discount Promotion.

Selecting the Graduated Discount Option

In the promotion setup screen, locate the bottom right section. Select Graduated Discount as the promotion type. A new screen will appear with various settings and parameters.

To properly configure the promotion, focus on these three important areas:

1. Validity

This determines the time/date the discount is valid. If no options are selected, the discount will not be time/date limited. Other optional settings allow you to restrict validity by date, weekday, time of day, organizational unit, or point of sale type.

2. Item Selection Set

  • This section defines which products qualify for the discount.
  • Key fields to configure:
    • Criteria: Select whether the discount applies to specific products, categories, or tags.
    • Item Division: Choose whether the discount applies based on amount spent or quantity purchased.
    • Subselection Division: Further refines the discount criteria.
    • Price and Quantity Ranges: Set the minimum and maximum purchase amounts or quantities required for the discount to apply. This will be used to restrict discounts by amount or quantity.
    • Amount range: This would be the amount range that these discounts are applicable for. In this example, I have it set to 10 to 100. Meaning, any amount after 100 will not receive any discount.
    • Price Range:This would be the price range that these discounts are applicable for. If the discount were a dollar based graduated discount (buy 100 dollars worth of goods get 10 dollars off) this would determine the price range that would be applicable for this discount.

In the example seen above, you will see I have set a basic item selection set where any items under the commodity group of Soft Drinks in any quantity higher than 1 will be applicable. A very unrestricted range for this promotion.

3. Discount Calculation

  • This section determines the discount values and the spending or quantity thresholds that trigger higher discounts.
  • Define:
    • The discount percentage or dollar amount for each level.
    • The conditions required for the discount to increase.
    • Whether the discount applies to the full receipt or only selected items.

In the example above, the discount would add a 10% discount on quantities greater than or equal to 10 and under 20, a 20% discount on quantities greater than or equal to 20 and under 30, and lastly, 30% off quantities of 30 to 100. This means additional quantity over 100 will receive no discount. Please see the demonstration below:

By following these steps, you can successfully create a Graduated Discount Promotion in KORONA Studio, incentivizing customers to spend more while enjoying increasing savings!

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